
Mainly engaged in the production and R & D
of pharmaceutical intermediates

No. Product Name Molecular formula CAS No.
1 4-Methylindole-3-Carboxylic acid -- 858515-65-8
2 4-Methylindole-3-Carboxaldehyde -- 4771-48-6
3 4,7-Difluoroindole-2-Carboxylate -- 247564-67-6
4 7-Chloroindole -- 53924-05-3
5 Ethyl-5-Fluoroindole-2-Carboxylate -- 348-36-7
6 5-Fluoroindole-2-Carboxylic acid -- 399-76-8
7 7-Methylindole-3-Carboxaldehyde -- 4771-50-0
8 7-Fluoroindole-2-Carboxylic acid -- 399-67-7
9 N-Acetyl-Indole-3-Carboxaldehyde -- 22948-94-3
10 1,3-DiAcetylindole -- 17537-64-3
11 6-Methylindole-3-Carboxaldehyde -- 4771-49-7
12 5-Fluorogramine -- 343-90-8
13 5-Methoxyindole-3-carbaldehyde -- 10601-19-1
14 5-Methoxyindole -- 1006-94-6
15 5-Fluoroindole-3-carbonitrile -- 194490-15-8
76 Records 12345 6


Add: North Binhai Chemical Zone, Gengju Village, Binhai Town, Zhnahua County, Shandong Province, China
P.C.: 256800
Contact: Mr. Shi
Tel: +86-13906149256
E-mail: info@huibangchem.com
URL: www.huibangchem.com
QQ: 793211102




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